Joining Ilkley Harriers

Ilkley Harriers is a friendly club with something for most types of runner - road, trail, fell, xc, social runner or competitive athlete, young or old.

A condition of membership is that you must abide by the Club Constitution, Club rules, policies, and codes of conduct - see our Policies, Procedures, and Forms page.

Joining a running club is the best way to keep up your interest in running, and to extend your running horizons! Not sure? See why below ...

The minimum age for membership of Ilkley Harriers is 16 years* - those aged 16-18 should have their parent/guardian sign the membership form and the parental consent form.

Before deciding to join you are welcome to join in a Tuesday night run for 3-4 weeks to try us out.

Please apply for membership at Membermojo, before you come to run with us so we have your personal details, including an emergency contact. We use Membermojo for our membership administration. Approximately four weeks after your registration you will receive a payment request. If you decide membership is not for you please let the membership secretary know. Otherwise, once your membership payment has been received and your application has been approved by the committee we will register you with England Athletics (if applicable).

Our membership year starts on April 1st. We register all our first claim members with England Athletics and we also affiliate with Northern Athletics.

Fees for the 2025-2026 year are:

Individual membership (18+) is available for £40 per year.

16-18 year olds and students in full-time education pay £22 per year (this equates to the England and Northern Athletics fees)

Second claim membership (for members whose first claim club pays their EA fee) is available for £18 per year. This gives access to all our training sessions and social events.

New members (18+ and second claim) joining during the year pay a pro-rata fee. The component of the fee which goes to the club is reduced every month.

If the fee presents genuine difficulties please do not hesitate to get in touch with Petra on or with any committee member in complete confidence.

Changes of details

Existing members are asked to keep their own details up to date. Please view your membermojo account here to check the details we hold for you and to make any changes.

Please use the email address we have on file for you. You do not need a password but will be sent a link to login.

Please contact if you have any queries.

Members only page

Current discount codes will be listed here. You will be asked to sign in when you click to view the page. Please do not share discount codes with non-members so as not to damage our relationship with the retailers.

Junior members

* There is a separate membership type for juniors aged 8-16: membership of Junior Ilkley Harriers costs £5pa and there is a separate membership form on the Junior Ilkley Harriers site.

Benefits of England Athletics membership

Ilkley Harriers membership includes, for all first-claim members, membership of England Athletics with an individual competition license. At a recent Consultation Meeting staged by EA for Clubs EA provided this list of benefits.

Disability athletics

Ilkley Harriers, both junior and senior sections, welcomes and supports runners with mild disabilities who can take part in regular Club activities. However we do not have the facilities or the coaches to provide specialist support for those with greater needs and we direct runners who need more support to nearby clubs that do have this infrastructure in place, or to Englad Athletics for advice. This policy will be reviewed with changes in coaching volunteer capabalities and interests, and with demand.

More information

If you need any more information, please contact our Membership Secretary by email


Stay in touch, see the Communication channels we use.

Club kit

You will need an Ilkley Harriers vest if you want to race - more on this and other Club kit here.

Just starting running? There are LOTS of reasons to join Ilkley Harriers

Running for fun? Harriers offers ...

Want to improve? The Club offers ...

Want to race?

But there is no pressure to race!

Additionally, members compete enjoy Adventure Racing, LDWA events, Mountain Marathons, Orienteering, Triathlon, Ultras ... there is a HUGE pool of experience and lots of friendly advice if you fancy broadening your running horizons.

Want to help? There are lots of rewarding opportunities ...

What's it cost?

Volunteer help and fundraising from our own races makes all our activities very low cost.

If you need any more information, please contact Petra Bijsterveld our friendly Membership Secretary by email